About us

Welcome to the Brightlands Institute for Smart Society (BISS), a research institute of Maastricht University where we use AI and data science to shape the society of tomorrow. At BISS, we believe in the power of interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation to address complex societal challenges. Our team consists of scientists from various disciplines, including ethics, consumer behavior, legislation, privacy, neuroscience, and, of course, data science and AI.

BISS brings together academics, researchers, businesses, and government agencies to work on smart solutions for a sustainable and inclusive society. Through groundbreaking research, education, and collaboration, we strive for a better future for everyone.

Our mission is to empower individuals and organizations through the socially responsible application of digital technologies. We focus on technologies that protect privacy, create value from data, and enhance the interaction between humans and technology. We usually follow a series of steps that together form the data science lifecycle. In every step, we make sure to consider ethical, legal, and societal aspects. The data science lifecycle consists of the following steps:

Understanding the problem
We always start by asking the right question. What exactly do we want to know or solve? This forms the foundation of our research. We aim to clarify the problem by carefully listening to the needs of our partners and stakeholders. We also think about the ethical and societal impact of the problem.

Collecting data
Next, we gather data that can help us understand the problem. This data can come from various sources, such as surveys, sensors, or existing databases. We ensure that data is collected in a way that complies with laws and regulations and that people's privacy is protected.

Cleaning, organizing, and analyzing data
Not all data is immediately useful. Sometimes there are errors, missing information, or the data is messy. In this step, we make sure the data is accurate and well-organized so we can analyze it properly. We ensure this process is transparent and fair, without bias or prejudice. We then examine the data to find patterns and connections, like solving a puzzle—looking at how the pieces fit together and what they reveal about the problem. We do this carefully, paying attention to the ethical and societal implications of our findings.

Building a model
With insights from our analysis, we build a model or AI. This model is a smart tool that helps us make predictions or decisions. Think of it like a weather forecast predicting if it will rain tomorrow. We make sure this model is not only effective but also responsible and fair. Before using the model, we test it to ensure it works well. We want to be sure the predictions or decisions are reliable so that we don’t make mistakes. We also check whether the model meets ethical standards and complies with laws and regulations.

Sharing outcomes
If the model works well, we use it to solve the problem or answer an important question. We share our findings in a clear and understandable way so that everyone can benefit from them. We make sure the solution is socially responsible and meets ethical and legal standards.

At BISS, we’re not only focused on finding solutions but also on ensuring that ethical, legal, and societal aspects are safeguarded at every step of the process.

Looking for innovative and responsible solutions for your data challenges? Contact BISS.

Data Science Life Cycle