André Dekker André Dekker

Smart Health Lead | Principal Investigator

Andre is a professor of Clinical Data Science at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Science and focuses on the Smart Health theme of BISS. In this theme, the use of often sensitive health data and the use of such data in AI applications to improve health and healthcare are the main topics of interest.  

Andre is an accomplished scientist, has authored over 250 publications, mentored more than 50 PhD students and holds multiple awards and patents on the topic of federated data and AI. He has held visiting scientist appointments at universities and companies in the UK, Australia, Italy, USA and Canada. He typically gives 50 invited lectures every year on the topic of AI in Health. 

Andre is a board-certified medical physicist with an MSc in physics and a PhD in medicine. 


  • Opinion leader 
  • Engineer 
  • Scientist  
  • Clinical impact