Brightlands Institute for Smart Society

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Welcome to BISS! We're a hub for bright minds diving into the fascinating world of data. At BISS, we're not just about teaching and researching data science; we're on a mission to make a real impact on society. By harnessing the power of AI and data science, we aim to tackle important challenges and create positive change. Join us in shaping a smarter, data-driven future at BISS!

Our work

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UPDATE | Have you read this article? One of our Principal Investigators, Gijs van Dijck, shares his perspective on how to approach missing persons cases and how technological innovations can enhance the effectiveness of search operations. By leveraging smart data analysis and AI technologies, we can develop better strategies to locate missing persons more quickly. ย  ๐Ÿ’ก Read the full article: ๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn more about Gijs here:

Incorporating Semantic Representations in Deep Learning for Improved Sound Recognition

Bridging auditory perception and natural language processing with semantically informed deep neural networks.

ImpactScientific publication
Inspiration sessions Data science

3 inspiration sessions where participants will get insights and tools to increase the impact of data in their work.

What is the content of Livestock feed?

Using data analysis, we assist farmers by translating feed labels into information about actual contents of the feed

Legal Research Software

Open source software for legal research tasks.

In progressProject
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De Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen heeft directeur Lisa Brรผggen van Netspar benoemd tot wetenschappelijk lid. De Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (KHMW), opgericht in 1752, is het oudste โ€˜Geleerde Genootschapโ€™ in Nederland. Zij heeft als doelstelling het bevorderen van de wetenschap en het slaan van een brug tussen wetenschap en samenleving. โ€œIk ben vereerd om wetenschappelijk lid te worden van de KHMWโ€, aldus Lisa over de benoeming. โ€œWat me aanspreekt, is de nadruk op de verbinding tussen wetenschap en samenleving, een kernaspect van mijn werk en van Netspar. Daarnaast waardeer ik de inzet van de KHMW voor jong talent via wetenschapsprijzen. He

Prevent factory shutdowns

How can we ensure an operator responds effectively to alarms and takes appropriate actions?

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MEET THE TEAM | Shashank Chakravarthy โ€“ research engineerย  This week, weโ€™re introducing Shashank Chakravarthyโ€”our research engineer and PhD candidate whose work bridges data science and law. His expertise in machine learning and natural language processing plays a key role in advancing our projects at BISS. Shashankโ€™s choice of gooseberry vlaai might not be the most common, but itโ€™s a perfect reflection of his appreciation for the unexpected and distinctive. The tart, refreshing flavor of gooseberries offers a unique twist on the traditional Limburgse vlaai, much like how Shashankโ€™s approach to both work and life often brings fresh perspectives and creative solutions to the table. Wh

Training Data Interpretation, Ethics & Security

In 2 days, data science will be explained in an interdisciplinary manner using a case from the organization.

Flying Forward: Drones that fly on their own

How can drones follow the laws and rules that apply in a region, country and continent?

How can we recognize sound when it is out of sight?

We combine AI and neuroscience to find out more about how the brain works when it recognizes sounds.

In progressProject
Enhancing customer support with AI

Improving the efficiency of customer support by using AI to answer the most common questions.

In progressProject

Current partners

Gemeente Sittard-Gelen
Maastricht University
Maastro Clinic
Open Universiteit
Provincie Limburg

Outstanding partnership in empowering digital innovation

The Brightlands Institute for Smart Society has been located on the Brightlands Smart Services Campus since its founding in 2016 and our collaboration goes far beyond technology alone. Within the Brightlands ecosystem, we work on smart digital services, each in our own role. It is a very pleasant collaboration with short lines of communication based on our shared ambition to empower people and organizations through the socially responsible application of digital technologies and that improve the quality of life.

Our team