Chris van der Lans
Front-end Developer
Chris is a front-end developer and technical team lead within BISS. He has a background in bio-informatics, programming and web development.
Chris does not only write code at BISS, but also poses fundemental questions within projects so that the final product actually alligns with the desired results. In addition, he involves himself with user experience (UX), human-centric interface design and information architecture so the final product is also easy to use.
- Front-end development
- User Experience (UX)
- User Interfacting (UI)
- Human-centric design
- Information architecture
My work at BISS
Legal Research Software
Open source software for legal research tasks.
In progressProject
Flying Forward: Drones that fly on their own
How can drones follow the laws and rules that apply in a region, country and continent?
How can we recognize sound when it is out of sight?
We combine AI and neuroscience to find out more about how the brain works when it recognizes sounds.
In progressProject