Dr. Minou van der Werf
Senior Researcher | Assistant professor
Minou specializes in research on human behavior and behavioral change, especially in the financial domain. At BISS, she works on topics such as poverty and debt, financial goals, financial advice, and pension communication and choice guidance. In all the work she does, she wants to use her knowledge on financial behavior to have a positive impact on society. She knows how to bridge the gap between science and practice, which she shows in her research, but also in a role as advisor or an engaging public speaker.
Previously, Minou worked at Nibud as an expert in financial behavior for several years. While working at Nibud, she obtained her PhD in social psychology at Leiden University, investigating how behavioral insights can be used to improve sound financial decision-making. After her PhD, she set-up and managed the Knowledge Centre Psychology and Economic Behavior, which aims to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge on human behavior and professionals or policy-makers in the field. At BISS, she will continue on the path of applying scientific insights for practical solutions with impact.
- Research
- Financial behavior
- Behavioral change
My work at BISS
Comparison of Online Pension Choices and Traditional Advice
Choice guidance for pension: are online tools alone enough?
The Future of Automated Financial Advice: Value Creation and Ethical Issues
Value considerations, ethical dilemmas, and resolving methods in automated financial advice.
Towards Holistic Automated Financial Advice: Definition and Ethical Challenges
Challenges of automated financial advice: Definition and ethical considerations.
AI to prevent poverty and debt
1 in 14 children in the Netherlands grow up in poverty. This is unacceptable, so we are doing something about it!
Can automated systems give good financial advice?
We investigate what good automated financial advice is, the ethical aspects, and communication.
Inspiration sessions Data science
3 inspiration sessions where participants will get insights and tools to increase the impact of data in their work.
Training Data Interpretation, Ethics & Security
In 2 days, data science will be explained in an interdisciplinary manner using a case from the organization.